Dutch incumbent KPN will no longer offer new subscriptions to its Telfort, Telfort Business, XS4ALL and Yes Telecom brands.
Film1 launches on KPN, Telfort and XS4All
Chellomedia’s premium channel bouquet Film1 has launched on KPN’s three IPTV services in The Netherlands, KPN Interactieve TV, Telfort and XS4All.
Telfort fibre launches companion TV app
Dutch interactive TV and app developer Stoneroos has released the Telfort companion TV app.
KPN starts FTTH rebranding
Incumbent Dutch telecoms operator KPN will rebrand the FTTH providers it acquired last year under its Telfort brand.
In Brief: Telfort, A-Film, Ariane, UKTV
Telfort, the low cost brand from Dutch incumbent KPN, has started to offer its IPTV service over the Reggefiber FTTH networks across the Netherlands. Triple play packages start at €47.50 […]
Dutch Telfort lauches IPTV service
Dutch telecoms operator Telfort has launched a full triple play offer including IPTV alongside its broadband and telephony services. The company, which is wholly owned by incumbent KPN, is using […]
Telfort launches triple play offer
Dutch telecoms company Telfort, the budget operator owned by KPN, has launched its first triple play offer, combining 20 Mbps ADSL broadband access, telephony and DTT television from Digitenne for […]