The HbbTV Association has announced that seven new companies have joined the industry association in the past six months.
Kudelski’s SmarDTV´s business transfers to Neotion affiliate
The Kudelski Group has reached an agreement whereby SmarDTV’s Conditional Access Module and Set-Top Box businesses are transferred to SmarDTV Global, a newly set up entity affiliated with Neotion.
Nagra to sell SmarDTV
Nagra is to reorganise its digital TV activities, selling off its SmarDTV division, and fully integrating Conax.
Kudelski teams up with Digi Slovakia
Kudelski’s SmarDTV is to provide CI Plus conditional access modules (CAM) for its network.
Echostar partners with Nagra in SmarDTV
Kudelski Group and EchoStar have signed an agreement whereby EchoStar will become a shareholder in SmarDTV SA, the subsidiary of Kudelski SA that offers advanced set-top boxes and conditional access […]
Hravtski Telekom deploys new CAMs
The Croatian incumbent Hravtski Telekom (T-HT) has deployed the latest generation of conditional access modules (CAM) from SmarDTV, a Kudelski Group company, in its network in Croatia.
RCS&RDS launches CI+ in Romania and Hungary
The Romanian cable and satellite operator RCS&RDS has launched CI+ conditional access modules in its networks in Romania and Hungary.
M7 Group deploys SmarDTV CAMs
Kudelski‘s SmarDTV has announced that M7 Group has deployed its latest generation of CAMs in its network in the Netherlands and Belgium.
SmarCAM completes CI Plus v1.3 certification
The latest generation of conditional access modules produced by Kudelski’s SmarDTV have received CI Plus certification.
SmarDTV and Wiztivi launch HbbTV based cable VOD
ANGA Cable 2012 – Cologne. SmarDTV and Wiztivi are introducing VOD for cable networks by combining CI Plus and HbbTV.