In 2016 88% of Dutch households had digital TV reception, while the number of households with connected TV continued to rise, from 31% in 2015 to 37% in 2016.
8.7m Dutch watch online TV
In 2016, 56.2% of all Dutch viewers watched a programme online from one of the main broadcasters, NPO, RTL and SBS, totaling 8.752 million viewers.
Dutch to measure online video ads
On June 1, SKO, the Dutch organisation that measures viewing figures, will introduce – as a world first – complete audience data of commercials watched online.
87% of Dutch homes now view digital
The number of Dutch homes that now watch digital television has grown to 87%, according to the latest figures from SKO.
Dutch world-wide first with daily online TV ratings
The Netherlands TV industry body Stichting Kijk Onderzoek (SKO) is now delivering daily online TV ratings to the market.
One in three Dutch homes have their TV connected
Dutch households with connected TVs rose to 31% from 23% a year ago, according to the Media Standard Survey by TNS Nipo for ratings group SKO.
Dutch viewing figures now include time-shifted data
Dutch audience measure company SKO has started supplying time-shifted viewing data to the market on a daily basis.
86% of Dutch homes are digital
86% of all Dutch television homes now have digital reception, up from 82% in December 2013. One in three homes have a PVR, while 49% have at least one tablet.
Dutch start cross platform ratings
Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) the industry body responsible for the reporting and monitoring of viewing behaviour in the Netherlands has awarded Kantar Media and TNS NIPO a four year contract for […]
Dutch digital TV homes grow to 82%
The number of Dutch TV homes that are able to receive digital TV signals has grown to 82%, according to SKO research.