The broadband cable industry signalled its commitment to deliver on the goals of a gigabit society.
Cable Europe rejects Dutch regulator’s “anachronistic” market analysis
Cable Europe is urging the European Commission not to accept Dutch regulator ACM’s draft broadband market analysis, which was submitted Friday, August 3.
Cable Europe responds to ITRE Committee vote
Cable Europe has once again called upon the European Institutions to stand by the original goals of the proposed Electronic Communications Code, as the European Parliament’s ITRE Committee adopted a […]
Cable Europe warns of “unjustified” draft measures in Belgium
Cable Europe has today voiced concerns over the future of investment in telecommunications network infrastructure, as it responds to the Belgian consultation on levels of competition in the broadband and […]
Cable Europe outlines agenda
Cable Europe is not asking for more regulation but a level playing field. There cannot be different rules for OTT and linear services, according to Matthias Kurth, executive president of […]
Kurth calls for “constructive dialogue” for open internet
Cable Europe executive chairman Matthias Kurth has called on industry and regulators on both sides of the Atlantic to engage in a constructive dialogue on the open internet.
Kurth proud of cable speed building as EU cuts bite
Cable expects to continue to upgrade speeds to provide the best quality service available, but despite speeds topping 100 Mbps, Cable Europe executive chairman Matthias Kurth says speed for speed’s […]