Croatia is likely to see a pay-DTT service up and running by the end of November.
Digital dividend boost for Croatia
The Croatian regulator HAKOM has issued a public call for the allocation of the country’s digital dividend.
Croatian telco set to expand
The Croatian regulator HAKOM has announced that the alternative telco Amis Telekom plans to build a fibre-optic network in the capital, Zagreb.
Tough times for Croatian T-HT
The Croatian incumbent telco T-HT ended the second quarter with 326,835 residential subscribers to its TV services, or 7.5% more than in the corresponding period last year and 0.6% more […]
Boost for Croatian mobile TV
The Croatian incumbent telco T-HT has made its mobile TV service MAXtv To Go available for a nominal HRK1 (€0.13) a month and with no minimum contract period for this […]