In the US, 86% of adult broadband users binge view at least occasionally, with 58% of 18-34s binging daily, according to The Diffusion Group (TDG).
Ofcom report uncovers a nation of ‘binge viewers’
This year’s Ofcom Communications Market Report 2017 reveals that 40 million people watching multiple episodes of series back to back, creating ‘Box Set Britain’. There are also stark differences between […]
Consumers are gettting entertainment on their own terms
The Arris 2014 Consumer Entertainment Index reveals consumer demand for personalised entertainment is driving several key trends in global content consumption, with significant implications for tomorrow’s entertainment services.
Youngsters love ‘binge viewing’
Stats show that 24% of 16-24s download a TV series and binge watch entire seasons in one sitting, according to a report from Voxburner.