IEG (Interactive Entertainment Guide): Takes the electronic program guide a step further by both including interactive options and the possibilities to order NVOD movies, events and non-screen entertainment such as cinema tickets, theatre tickets, shows etc. The user is able to organize the IEG according to its own preferences and taste and offers as such a personalized service.
Interconnect: Two or more cable systems distributing a programming or commercial signal simultaneously.
IP (Internet Protocol): These are the technical standards that specify how packets on the internet are routed from one machine to another network. It is the layer of the internet.
IPPV (Impulse Pay Per View): Individual demand system with a steady scheduling. Events can be purchased according to the steady scheduler’s availability. The customer only pays for the programs he chooses. This system works in an analogue pattern.
ISP (Internet Service Provider): A business that allows companies and individuals to connect to the internet.