SoftAtHome and Orange Jordan are close to deployment of the world’s first fully prpl-based broadband solution with a home gateway and Wi-Fi repeater powered by prplWare and complementary SoftAtHome products.
As part of the project, SoftAtHome enabled five advantages promoted by the prpl Foundation, including higher velocity by de-complexifying Gateway stack integration onto multiple platforms, a focus on service-driven innovation, enabling proprietary differentiation from a 3rd-party services ecosystem, API harmonisation through collaboration and convergence to help scale up businesses, open source to improve testing and avoid duplication and wasted efforts, and cultivating a community.
Orange Jordan’s new gateway offers fibre connectivity and delivers the advantages of Wi-Fi6E. For this project, prplWare was extended with several critical operator features such as VoIP, Wi-Fi repeater, API migration, while keeping compatibility with existing infrastructure.
prplMesh already brings Wi-Fi management capabilities and hardware abstraction. SoftAtHome added smart Wi-Fi algorithms, such as Wi-Fi repeater management, packet prioritization, intelligent channel selection, remote device management, and enhanced security features with the Wifi’ON Product running on top of prplWare.
In a statement, Orange Group said, “Orange Jordan is the first within the Orange Group to deploy a prpl-based home gateway solution, which is the result of Orange Group’s investment in prpl open-source solutions. The whole operator community will benefit from access to new home gateway-based services.”
Arnaud Bellivier de Prin, CEO at SoftAtHome, added, “I am proud that our teams have delivered the world’s first prpl-based solution deployed simultaneously on the home gateway and Wi-Fi repeaters and grateful to Orange Jordan for their continued trust in SoftAtHome and for paving the prpl way for our club of operators.”