Sofia Digital has further advanced its DVB-I Android application, integrating 5G Broadcast capabilities to enhance service delivery and data management.
The application combines 5G Broadcast with DVB-I service lists and EPG data management. The service lists and EPG data are retrieved from Sofia Digital’s DVB-I backend, ensuring compliance with DVB-I standards. The service list data includes the service IDs required to synchronise with the 5G Broadcast signal, enabling efficient and reliable service delivery, according to the technology company.
The video playback capabilities were enhanced: Initially, an internet connection is used to fetch the service information. Once the service information is downloaded, video playback can be maintained without an internet connection using the 5G Broadcast signal. This feature is particularly beneficial in areas with limited or no internet access, stresses Sofia Digital.
Another new feature is automatic signal switching: To ensure uninterrupted viewing, the application automatically switches from the 5G Broadcast signal to an IP unicast signal when the device moves out of the broadcast range, such as when transitioning from outdoor to indoor environments. This feature enhances the user experience by maintaining service continuity without manual intervention.
The application also supports multicast via the 5G middleware provided by Qualcomm, further enhancing its versatility in managing network resources and delivering content.
The expanded application was developed utilising a pre-recorded broadcast signal provided by Media Broadcast and Rohde & Schwarz. A desktop transmitter by TestTree was deployed during the development phase to create a controlled “5G Broadcast bubble” for validation purposes. The application was tested on receivers from Xiaomi and OnePlus, ensuring compatibility across different devices.
The foundation is the DVB-I demonstrator application which Sofia Digital developed for Media Broadcast in Germany in 2023. The application was designed for Android televisions and smartphones, providing users with access to a list of DVB-I services along with EPG data.
Sofia Digital will demonstrate the solution at its booth 1.D98 at IBC 2024 in Amsterdam on 13-16 September.