In a statement, it notes that in several parts of the country Altice Portugal companies are identified as ones with significant market power. “This means that Altice Portugal holds an economic position that allows it to act, to a large extent, independently of its competitors, its customers and consumers in general, to their potential detriment”.
ANACOM adds that one of the obligations placed on the Altice Portugal group of companies (Meo, Fastfiber and Fibroglobal, the last of which was acquired by Fastfiber in 2022) is to provide access to its infrastructure to alternative operators throughout the country. Although a necessary condition, it has proved to be insufficient in some parts of Portugal.
The regulator goes on to say it understands that “a wholesale obligation of unbundled access to the fibre optic loop (ODF unbundling) should be imposed on Altice Portugal companies through the provision of a PON offer and an obligation to access fibre at a regional/local level (fibre bitstream offer) that provides the alternative operator with connectivity with configurable speeds of up to 1 Gbps”.