DTH satellite and cable continue to be by far the most-used TV reception methods in Germany, but the highest growth rates are recorded elsewhere.
DTH satellite TV is currently used by 16.4 million households – this corresponds to 42% of TV households (2022: 43%), according to the study Video Trends 2023, released by the German media authorities at the Medientage München 2023 conference.
A cable TV subscription was used by 15.9 million households, which corresponds to 41% (2022: 43%). There was strong growth in exclusive TV reception via the internet (OTT), which 3.1 million households opted for – an increase from 6% to 8 % of households compared to 2022. IPTV and DTT remain unchanged at 4.6 million (12%) and 2.1 million (6%) respectively.
There is growth in terrestrial TV reception if use on PC/laptop and mobile devices is included: Then 5.9 million households watch TV via DTT, corresponding to 15% of TV households (2022: 14%). Compared with 2019, the increase amounted to 37%.
“The current figures on the use of DTT show two things. On the one hand, from the consumer’s point of view, politics must do everything possible to fully secure the frequencies for terrestrial television beyond 2030. On the other hand, it is clear that the development of the broadcasting technology 5G Broadcast with its focus on mobile video use is absolutely on the right track. The terrestrial transmission infrastructure will thus continue to ensure consumer-friendly, energy-efficient and crisis-proof distribution of audiovisual content in the future,” said Francie Petrick, Managing Director of Media Broadcast, operator of German DTT platform Freenet TV.