Czechs spend almost half of their thematic TV viewing time watching films and series channels.
Figures published by Atmedia show that in 2022 the total stood at 45% among those aged 15-69. Of this 45%, series accounted for 22%, movies 17% and dramatic programmes such as sitcoms the remaining 6%. Furthermore, watching films and series was most popular among young viewers (49% among those aged 25-34 in 2022).
Film and series TV channels alone account for 9% of the total audience share among viewers aged 15–69 in 2022. While the reach of free channels was in millions of viewers per month, for paid channels it is was in the hundreds of thousands. According to Pavel Müller, Atmedia’s head of research & marketing, “The exception is FilmBox, which reaches an average of 1.1 million viewers aged 15-69 every month, which is a very good number considering the fact that it is a paid channel”. He also points out that paid film and series channels are generally among the most watched pay-TV channels.
While documentary and sports TV channels are often watched mainly by male viewers of working age, the composition of the audience for film and series channels is more diverse. “It depends more on what type of films and series they offer to their viewers. For example, on AMC, Canal+ Action and Film+ there are more action films, thrillers and action comedies, which is why they are watched more by male viewers”.
On Canal+ Action and AMC, for example, men make up two thirds of all viewers aged 15-69. Other film and series TV channels, on the other hand, have more film and series genres in their programming, therefore the composition of their viewers is more balanced.