Cable operators in Poland would like to see their subscription fees index linked in order to fight inflation and safeguard their investments in infrastructure.
According to Wirtualne Media>, they quote a study prepared by Arthur D Little that shows pay-TV ARPU in Poland was €11.3 in 2022. It was only lower in the Czech Republic (€9.7) and Romania (€5.4), with the UK the highest at €36.5.
Commenting on this situation, Jerzy Straszewski, the president of the Polish Chamber of Electronic Communications (PIKE), said: “We have created the most competitive and diverse media and telecommunications market in Poland, with the best price-quality ratio. As an industry, we see the need to engage in an urgent dialogue with regulators to develop tools for operating in a high inflation environment that will allow to develop offers and protect consumers in a sustainable way. The market has built an artificial dam, taking the full impact of cost increases, and the lack of regulatory predictability is particularly painful for entrepreneurs in the current economic environment”.