The Ukrainian regulator National Council has said it does not recommend the distribution of Viasat channels in the despite them holding a three-month licence issued by another EU country.
In a statement, it added that it investigated the decision of the Estonian regulator to issue Viasat with licences, valid from May 25 until August 24, to cover specific events.
These included the coronation of King Charles, Canada Day and birthdays of several celebrities.
The licences were issued to V World North Europe and the channels in question are Epic Drama, Viasat Nature, Viasat Comedy EU, Viasat History EU, Viasat Kino EU, Viasat Kino Action EU, Viasat Explore EU, Viasat Kino World EU and Viasat Kino Megahit EU.
The licences also stipulated that the channels would each broadcast at least 18 hours a day and 126 hours a week, and that movies, TV and documentaries would account for 99% of their programme schedules.