T-Mobile TV has been rebranded Magenta TV on its seventh anniversary in the Czech Republic.
It entered the market in May 2016 offering around 130 channels. Now, its offer consists of almost 170, of which over 60% are in HD and some in 4K.
Magenta TV is available via set top boxes, mobile phones, tablets, smart TVs and web browsers. Customers can use it on up to six devices and within the entire EU, both without the need for any activation fee.
Its offer includes Canal+ Action and Canal+ Sport, and since March the SVOD service Voyo.
According to Zdenek Spurny, manager of TV-Mobile’s TV services, “Our surveys show that the majority of digital TV viewers are primarily looking for Czech content or foreign films – for Magenta TV viewers, films and series make up almost half of the total viewership, and up to 86% of customers use the smart rewind function at least once a month. Sports enthusiasts, on the other hand, understandably prefer to watch the match live. Our wide range of programmes, which currently includes almost 170 channels of various genres, really has everyone in mind, and thanks to that, the number of viewers of Magenta TV is constantly growing”.