The Higher Labour and Social Court in Ljubljana has ruled that the appointment of Andrej Grah Whatmough as head of the Slovenian public broadcaster RTVS was illegal.
However, reports N1, its decision has no legal consequences.
It adds that the court agreed with Igor Kadunc, a former head of RTVS, who also ran with Grah Whatmough for the position in December 2020. Kadunc challenged the decision to appoint Grah Whatmough on the grounds that managerial experience was not taken into account but this was dismissed in the first instance court.
The second instanced court has nevertheless now ruled in Kadunc’s favour.
Commenting on the ruling, Kadunc said that Grah Whatmough would remain in post because he was subsequently reappointed on March 17, 2022 in what was “a skilful but controversial manoeuvre”.