Announced by Dorota Zurkowska, group senior VP responsible for business development, distribution and Eurosport at WBD in Poland, it sees Michal Walewski, previously responsible for the sales at Warner Media, become the distribution Director for WBD in Poland. He will manage distribution teams from both legacy companies.
As part of the changes, a new area of the commercial strategy is being created. Tomasz Parfienowicz will hold a position of the distribution strategy project director in the period of new structures taking shape.
The above-mentioned changes come into force with immediate effect, and Walewski and Parfienowic will report directly to Zurkowska.
ITVN Team, operating hitherto within the distribution department, has become part of the programming team and will be managed by Dorota Eberhardt.
Reporting lines for the teams in other business areas under Zurkowska’s responsibility, i.e. Eurosport and Polish sports offer, online offer development as well as Consumer Products remain unchanged.