The Romanian regulator ANCOM has officially launched a tender for 5G frequencies.
In a statement, its president Vlad Stoica said: “Following Friday’s publication in the Official Gazette of the two decisions, we now have all the conditions met to publish the announcement of the start of the selection procedure. We reached this moment following a complicated process that we only managed to complete through a permanent dialogue with all the factors involved: the Government of Romania, the telecom industry and civil society. We are waiting for the operators from Romania or outside it, radio spectrum holders or not, to participate in the auction, the conditions of this selection procedure being as well adapted as possible to the current socio-economic context. The electronic communications market in Romania is mature and one of the most competitive at the level of the European Union, and this is due to the skill and interest of investors, but also to the reduced barriers for suppliers’ market access. The increase in the amount of spectrum will lead to new investments on the Romanian market, for the benefit of the entire economy”.
Licences will be granted by ANCOM for the use of frequencies in the 700 MHz, 1500 MHz, 2600 MHz and 3400-3800 MHz bands and applications have to be submitted by October 27. The auction will start on November 8 and licences, with one exception (2600 MHz,) will be awarded for periods of 25 and 22 years, coming into effect in 2023 and 2026 respectively.