Ukraine’s leading cable operator Datagroup-Volia is aiming to make its content available solely in the Ukrainian language.
In a statement, it says that in the first days of the war with Russia it analysed all its channels and libraries and immediately removed any items of Russian origin. At the same time, Datagroup-Volia made a strategic decision to purchase content only in Ukrainian dubbing. Now every fourth film on the platform can be watched in the state language.
According to the company, “when discussing the terms of the agreement with the content owners, one of the main conditions now is to receive a film with Ukrainian voice acting. If the copyright holder does not have a film with Ukrainian dubbing, we try to voice this film ourselves”.
Datagroup-Volia also says that a few years ago its own channels Cine + were switched to exclusively Ukrainian broadcasting. The Cine channel library now has more than 300 hours of Ukrainian films.
It has also voiced a large number of Ukrainian films and invested about UAH10 million (€319,000) in this process.
Currently, Volia TV has about 3,000 hours of content with a Ukrainian soundtrack. These include the TVOD section with news from Hollywood studios, the SVOD section, as well as TV series and cartoons. Children’s content is almost all in Ukrainian. The football section has more than 700 hours of matches with Ukrainian commentators.
In general, the online cinema Volia TV is one of the largest in Ukraine and has more than 20,000 movies, series and TV shows from leading global and domestic studios including Disney, Paramount, Fox, Universal and