Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries has admitted sharing her Netflix password with other households.
Appearing before the House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, Ms Dorres described the streamer’s subscription offer as “incredibly generous”.
“There are four other people who can use my Netflix account in other parts of the country,” she said, adding that Netflix was probably going to change its subscription model.
Under Terms & Conditions set out by Netflix, account users must live together.
Netflix estimates that in addition to its 221.64 million paying households worldwide, there are an additional 100 million households that are scrounging the service through a friend or relative.
As part of a reform of the UK’s media regulation, Ofcom will be given the power to oversee streaming services, with Dorries responsible for the regulator.
Characteristically combative Dorries denied that she had already made up her mind over scrapping the BBC Licence Fee and replacing it with a subscription model.
“We’re at a point where we have to wake up and smell the coffee and realise that times are changing rapidly in terms of the broadcasting landscape,” Dorries said. “It’s time for a more effective, a more modern and fair way of funding the BBC. What that is, I don’t have an opinion.”