France Médias Monde has agreed further distribution for France 24 and RFI in Africa and the Indian Ocean.
The new agreement allows France 24 and RFI to continue their distribution in the Canal+ offer to its six million subscribers in sub-Saharan Africa and to broadcast RFI’s programs in French and in 4 African languages (Mandenkan, Fulfulde, Hausa and Swahili) via the SES 4 satellite, free-to-air.
France 24 in French is also available on EASYTV, the paid DTT offer of Canal+ in DRC, Congo Brazzaville, Côte d’Ivoire and Guinea as well as in the new version of “myCANAL” application in Africa, launched in June.
The French and English channels of France 24 are also present in the new Canal+ Ethiopia package launched in April 2021.