Over a third (35%) of Russian OTT subscribers changed their service in the last six months.
According to the findings of a survey undertaken by TelecomDaily, they did so once (18%), twice (8%) or more than two times (9%). It also showed that users of Start, Premier, KION, Netflix were the least likely to experience difficulties with their service.
The respondents were also asked to rate their satisfaction with their service on a 10-point scale (where 1 point was very disappointed and 10 completely satisfied). Premier (8.8), Start (8.7), ivi (8.6) scored the maximum number of points, while Netflix and Kion had 8.5, Kinopoisk HD and Okko 8.4. Although the results of all 14 services were quite close, there were three that did not reach eight points: More.TV and MegaFon TV – 7.9, Amediateka – 7.7.
The survey also notes that on average users visit 2-3 services a month, with ivi remaining the most popular (54%), followed by Kinopoisk HD (38%) and Okko 93%). Furthermore, the top three among the 14 largest services control 57% of the market.