French communications regulator Arcep has put forward its proposals for the next regulatory cycle of the terrestrial TNT platform.
“Although it is losing ground to alternative modes of television broadcasting and the development of new modes of audiovisual consumption, DTT remains an important mode of access to television,” Arcep said in a statement.
However, terrestrial audiences, along with those of the satellite and cable players are being slowly eroded by internet-delivered content from both IPTV and OTT providers.
IPTV consumption has exceeded DTT since the first quarter of 2017 and the trend is expected to continue as ever-more households sign up to broadband internet.
DTT remains subject to a number of coverage obligations; 95% population coverage in Metropolitan France. So while it’s anticipated TNT will further lose market share, it remains the preferred mode of reception for a number of viewers.
Transmission provider TDF will be required to publish a wholesale ratecard and applications from all comers with the appropriate licence.
The regulator is consulting with stakeholders until June 3, 2021. It will then open up a wider public consultation.