Join the team of Broadband TV News to discuss the Future of Trade Shows during Thursday’s Meet & Greet.
The traditional broadcast trade show has for decades fixed the dates in the annual diary that our industry works around. Months are consumed in advance of and after preparing stands, products, people, materials ready for the next big product push. And then we repeat. From Vegas to Cologne from Singapore to Denver the caravan continues to roll consuming vast amounts of carbon, alcohol, money and time in the pursuit of developing productive client relationships between buyers and sellers.
And then everything changed.
Even before the pandemic the future of a simple buyer seller markets were in doubt. How wise was it to send an army of people to the Cote d’Azur with lavish expense accounts when what was needed was a basic deal which can be done over Zoom?
Who were these trade shows really for? The organisers? The host cities? Or the customers? Had the balance gotten out of control? How efficient were they REALLY? What price do you put on human contact in the global marketplace? How are companies differentiating today in the virtual format? Will trade shows ever be the same?
Hosted by Robert Briel and the team at Broadband TV News. You can register here.