Telenor and the streaming company Norigin Media have been selected as part of the 5GMediaHUB Consortium.
The two Norwegian companies have been selected by the European Commission-funded project that is coordinated by the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (Spain).
“We see great potential in collaborating with partners in 5GMediaHUB for the next three years. Together, we can explore how to more easily integrate third party applications in 5G deployments, and assess whether 5G media services, such as virtual and augmented reality, work for innovative media content production and distribution,” says Patrick Waldemar, Vice President, Telenor Research.
The objective is to allow third party application developers of media services to try, test and validate media and entertainment applications by using the 5GMediaHUB experimentation facility.
“Norigin Media is glad to be a part of this European consortium and will contribute with our video streaming technology expertise. Experiments are planned around key areas of low latency streaming, 5G Network Slicing, 8K streaming as well as AR & VR streaming distribution, among others,” says Ajey Anand, CEO of Norigin Media and adds “we’re also happy to see that Norway is well represented within the 5GMediaHUB project by four companies. The outcomes of this project will have a great impact on the European media industry as it helps quickly launch services over 5G to consumers.”
The 5GMediaHUB will build two separate testing and validation platforms on the 5G testbeds from Telenor in Norway and CTTC in Spain. Norigin Media’s role would be to support all streaming video related application cases.
“In 5GMediaHub we capitalize on the experience from previous 5G projects in network slicing and orchestration. Existing well-established 5G platforms will be extended during the project in order to test 3rd party media services to enable the EU to achieve its goal to become a world leader in 5G.” stated 5GMediaHub Project Coordinator Christos Verikoukis, from CTTC, Barcelona.
In all 11 European countries are represented in the Horizon 2020 project.