Bengt Jonsson, long-time investor and former MD in the company, has joined Forsway’s board of directors.
Commenting on the development, Tobias Forsell, CEO, Forsway, said: “We are very excited to welcome Bengt to the Forsway BoD.
“His strong background, particularly from emerging markets, and senior positions in the global technology arena furnishes great added-value to our long-term goals and expansion plans”.
Jonsson added: “I am very excited to join the board and support Forsway in its next stage of business development.
“Enabling broadband services is a human rights issue and Forsway’s solutions, using existing technology and infra structure, is by far the most cost-efficient way of bringing internet to the underserved areas of this planet”.
Jonsson is SVP solutions at Irdeto. He has also served in senior positions for Nokia and Technicolor in Asia and Europe.