France’s on demand market had a turnover of €1.104 billion in the first nine months of this year.
According to Satellifax, quoting the monthly barometer published by CNC, this was 41.4% more than in the same period last year.
Subscriptions accounted for 82.4% of the total, or 50.3% more than at the start of the year, with sales claiming 23.4% and rentals 4.8%.
Subscriptions were used by 22.9% of internet users in September, up by 2.5 pp on the figure in August.
The number of daily SVOD users fell by 600,000 to 4.5 million in September.
Netflix continued to clearly dominate the French market with a subscription rate per household of 47.2%, ahead of Amazon Prime Video by more than 25 points (22.1%). Canal+ came third at 20.2%, followed by Disney + which, after quickly establishing itself at around 15% when it was launched on April 17 thanks to its integration into certain Canal + offers, is not taking off.
Indeed, Disney+ can be said to be regressing, since after rising to around 17% in July its subscription rate per household fell to 14.9% in September.