The Czech Telecom Office (CTU) has launched an auction for frequencies in the 700 and 3400 to 3600 MHz bands for 5G mobile networks.
Idnes reports that there are seven bidders and the total asking price is CZK5.4 billion (€204 million). This is around CZK900 million lower than the CTUs original figure due to the results of similar auctions elsewhere in the world and the reduction in price of one of the frequencies, linked to the obligation to provide national roamin
The conditions of the auction were revised three times by the CTU.
The auction has been challenged by three domestic operators through lawsuits and complaints to the European Commission. They are particularly bothered by the conditions of national roaming and the small bandwidth in the 3.4-3.6 GHz band.
According to them, the auction contains unauthorised public support. The auction should bring to market one or more new operators who would increase competition in the market. This could lead to a drop in the price of mobile data.