The Ukrainian regulator National Council has extended the DTT multiplex licences held by Zeonbud for an additional 10 years.
However, Zeonbud, which is responsible for MX-1, MX-2, MX-3 and MX-5, will have to fulfil a number of obligations or risk having its licences revoked.
Zeonbud has committed to putting an additional 47 transmitters in place for MX-1. Seven are already working full time, and Zeonbud has signed a contract with Rohde & Schwarz for equipment for 14 others.
Frequencies for 26 transmitters will be released following complete analogue shutdown and Zeonbud has guaranteed they will then be put into service within four months.
Zeonbud has also guaranteed that it will submit applications to change the modulation of the signal from 256 QAM and 64 QAM in January 2021.