Information-based thematic channels were the biggest winners in Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially during the first phase between March 1 and April 19.
Speaking in a presentation at at the PIKE 2020 Online Conference, Joanna Kopec, research project manager, Nielsen, said that their average viewing figures rose by 87% during this phase, followed by 48% in the second phase (April 20-May 31). T
he ‘small normality’ phase between June 1-June 30 saw a 44% increase and the ‘pandemic holiday’ phase between July 1-August 31 a 24% increase.
Other genres performed less well, with movie channels showing a 29% growth in the first phase and only 6% in the final one.
Entertainment/Lifestyle, music and in particular sports channels saw reductions in their average viewing figures, with the biggest hit being felt by sports channels (-66%) in the second phase.
Kopec emphasised that there was also a significant increase in the consumption of on demand services (AVOD, SVOD and AVOD) and games during the lockdown.
She concluded by saying that an interesting autumn awaits the industry in Poland. With a new national lockdown unlikely, the general trends seen at the beginning of the year will return.
Furthermore, the consumption of online video content will increase, including that offered by providers of traditional TV services, and advertisers are hoping the market to bounce back after curtailing their spends in the first half of this year.