The Ukrainian ISP Lanet will restore channels from the 1+1 Media Group to its line-up.
This follows a dispute between the two parties which was resolved by “successful negotiations”.
In a statement Lanet said that “the retransmission of TV channels of the media group, namely 1 + 1, 2 + 2, TET, PlusPlus, UNIAN, Bigudi, Kvartal TV, 36.6 TV, Bolt, Star Cinema, Star Family, Kus-Kus, Film.UA Drama on our cable TV network will be resumed from August 5”.
Broadband TV News notes that in mid-July Lanet denied claims by 1+1 that it had invited the operator to talks about making changes to the agreement between the two parties.
It also dismissed a claim that it was not auditing its active subscribers, especially those receiving cable services.