IPTV accounted for 56.1% of pay-TV connections in Slovenia in the first quarter.
According to figures published by the regulator AKOS, its market share continues to grow, while those of other technologies is falling. Cable accounted for 37.8%, satellite TV 5.1% and MMDS 1% as of Q1.
Meanwhile, penetration of fixed broadband grew by 0.5% in the first three months of this year to reach 83.7%. NGA broadband internet access is also growing and accounted for 83% of connection in Q1.
Triple play packages continued to grow in popularity had a market share of 36% in the first quarter.
On the other hand, the share of quadruple (40.2%) and double (9.5%) play packages fell, while standalone broadband access (8.9%) and converged services that do not include service packages (5.6%) remained unchanged.
Over a third (34.7%) of broadband users opted for access speeds of over 100 Mbps.