Poland’s Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) has issued regulatory decisions specifying the conditions for providing access to cable infrastructure in residential buildings.
This, it says, will increase competition among operators and facilitate consumer access to telecommunications services.]
UKE adds that until now cable operators have barely provided their competitors with unused telecommunications cables or dictated high fees – on average PLN22-26 (€5.15-6.08) per subscriber if fibre-optic subscriber cables are available. As a consequence, infrastructure was often duplicated, which increased the cost of reaching the consumer.
The regulator also says the changes it has introduced – preceded by over a six-month preparatory period for operators – ensure: the obligation to provide access to unused cables, a simple way of providing the service to the end user and minimising the duplication of telecommunications infrastructure.
The regulations will increase competition among operators, contribute to reducing the costs of providing services, enable investments in other areas and accelerate the start of providing services to consumers.
UKE concludes by saying that the changes are in accordance with EU law, including with the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Digital Single Market and the European Digital Agenda.