Deutsche Telekom board member Srini Gopalan has met with Romania’s Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, minister of infrastructure and communications Lucian Nicolae Bode and other members of the government.
Ziarul Financiar reports that although no details of their agenda have been released, Gopalan is understood to have provided an update on sale of Telekom Romania and specifically talks with Orange, RCS&RDS (Digi) and BC Partners (United Group).
It adds that Deutsche Telekom and Greece’s OTE have selected the investment bank Barclays to find a buyer for Telekom Romania.
Although Telekom was close to selling Telekom Romania’s fixed operations to Orange and mobile operations to RCS&RDS (Digi) three months ago, it was prevented from doing so for political reasons.
Romania has had a new transitional government led by Ludovic Orban since early last month.
It will be in office until an election in 2020.
This is believed to be the first time members of the new government have met with Telekom to discuss the sale of the incumbent telco.