Ofcom has issued a draft notice to suspend the broadcasting licence of Club TV limited after its channel repeatedly rebroadcast material the regulator had previously found incited murder.
Last week (November 18) Ofcom served the suspension notice on Club TV, which then surrendered its licence.
Its sister company Lord Production Inc Limited, which held the licence to broadcast the English language Peace TV service, also surrendered its licence and the two channels are no longer broadcasting.
“Any person who wishes to hold a broadcast licence must be fit and proper to hold it. Ofcom has a duty to be satisfied of that, and broadcasts which incite murder are clearly relevant to that duty,” the regulator said in a statement.
In its defence Club TV said the re-broadcast was a result of a technical issue brought about by clearing file space on its server and that it had no “intention to re-broadcast any content that Ofcom have ever raised concerns about”.