ShortsTV, the pioneer platform dedicated to providing short entertainment to global audiences, announced a broad expansion onto India’s major DTH (Direct-to-Home) platforms with new partners Dish TV, d2h and Airtel Digital TV.
Combined with its existing distribution in the US, Europe and Latin America, ShortsTV will now be available in more than 100 million homes globally. The new partnerships will triple ShortsTV’s reach in India to 85% of the country’s satellite TV market. Since debuting with Tata Sky in India over a year ago, ShortsTV has brought a cutting edge entertainment experience to India with films that are creative, provocative and feature some of India’s top and emerging talent in the short entertainment arena.
“For nearly two decades, ShortsTV has showcased some of the most creative minds in short entertainment, bringing incredible films to audiences across the globe. We pioneered the first 24/7 channel dedicated to short movies and short entertainment, and our explosive audience growth in India shows how successfully short entertainment is resonating,” says Carter Pilcher, Chief Executive of ShortsTV.
“But it’s not just in India, our audience’s love for short entertainment is powering a rapid growth in consumption globally. ShortsTV is at the forefront, bringing the highest quality and most engaging content in each market we serve.”