The number of subscribers using fixed broadband in Moldova increased by 3.3% to over 643,600 in the first half of this year.
According to data published by the regulator ANRCETI, nearly two-thirds (65.5%) opted for fibre (FTTx) connection, with xDSL (26.7%), coaxial cable – DOCSIS (7.5%) and other technologies (0.3%) accounting for the remainder.
The biggest growth in take up was among customer choosing download speeds of over 100 Mbps, up by 26.8% to 79,400. Meanwhile, the number opting for download speeds of 30 -100 Mbps rose by 4.5% to 354,200.
The total number fibre customers stood at 421,500 and xDSL 171,700, and the penetration rate of fixed internet services per 100 inhabitants rose by 1.2 percentage points to 24%.
Revenues from fixed broadband services obtained by 94 active providers in the country amounted to MDL673.7 million (€33.8 million) or 5.8% more than in the same period in 2018.
Moldtelecom was the leading provider with a 63.1% share of the market, followed by Starnet (21.4%), Orange Moldova (5.1%) and others (10.4%).