Kudelski Group saw a year-on-year constant currency decline of 12% in its digital TV revenues in the first half of 2019.
The total of $190.5 million reflected a continued contraction of the digital TV market as a number of established pay-TV operators reported lower subscriber numbers.
In addition, Kudelski did not book any IP licensing revenues in the first half of 2019.
The company also notes that digital TV generated $53.6 million of OIBDA net of restructuring costs, representing a $1.6 million improvement on H1 2018.
In addition, Kudelskisays that in adapting to the challenges of the changing video landscape it continues to strengthen its partnerships with leading operators such as Vodafone in Europe and Altice in the US.
Kudelski had total revenues of $400.6 million in H1, down from $437.7 million a year earlier.
OIBDA excluding restructuring costs was $29.2 million ($19.2 million) and its net loss -$20.4 million (-$38 million).