As the first advertising network in France to have tested targeted spots with HbbTV at the end of 2018, FranceTV Publicité is taking a new step by testing the addressing of personalised spots according to viewers’ interests.
This full-scale POC (Proof Of Concept) was carried out from July 10 to 17 exclusively with the operator TDF, via its technological collaboration with Enensys, and the Havas agency, with the support of advertisers BNP Paribas, Carglass, Decathlon, and Mylan. It is part of a desire to offer more affinity and concern for TV advertising through finer targeting.
A panel of viewers of the channels of France Télévisions who gave their consent was set up and their consumption habits were collected in compliance with the RGPD rules.
According to their behaviour, these households have been segmented into four categories – Appetence for Family, News/Culture, Environment/Health and Weather programs.
They were then addressed in a personalized way, on 10 screens of the France 2 live stream, by advertising substitution invisible to the naked eye and the image.
Partner advertisers were thus able, within each screen, to pre-empt a substitutable location to broadcast a targeted spot according to the viewer’s priority area of interest.
“Through this new test, FranceTV Publicité confirms its lead and expertise in segmented TV. When the regulations allow it, the advertising network will allow its customers to send more relevant advertising, depending on the profile of the households and their appetites,” said Marianne Siproudhis, General Manager of FranceTV Publicité.