The Hungarian national commercial broadcaster TV2’s first priority in the on demand space will be the introduction of AVOD, according to Pavel Stanchev, its new CEO.
Speaking in a Q&A at NEM 2019, he added that by doing so it would protect its TV business through catch-up. On the other hand, entering the SVOD market is difficult to do without partners.
Speaking more generally, Stanchev said that TV2 has developed a diversified portfolio of channels, the result of which is that it has closed the gap with its main competitor TV2.
Indeed, the most recent figures show that it has moved ahead in the 18-59 age group in the last two months. However, it will become more diligent and careful in launching more channels.
In terms of production, one of TV2’s first priorities is investing in fiction. It is also open to working with more production companies.
Furthermore, while keeping an eye on possible acquisitions, its main priority is improving its financial results.