The volume of sales in Moldova’s electronic communications market fell by 8% to MDL6.44 billion (€320.5 million) in 2018, according the regulator ANRCETI.
Within that total, the broadcasting and retransmission of audiovisual services accounted for MDL248.7 million, a 5.1% reduction on the previous year.
Falls were also seen in fixed telephony (-19.9% to MDL556.8 million) and mobile telephony (-5.6% to MDK3.150 billion).
At the same time, revenues from mobile broadband (+16.5% to MDL1.059 billion) and fixed broadband (6.6% to MDL1.29 billion) both increased, with other activities (+8% to MDL859.9 million) also growing.
Fixed and mobile internet services were the most requested by customers, with both also showing gains in ARPU.
However, ARPU for the broadcasting and retransmission of audiovisual services fell by 4.5% to MDL41.8.