The total revenues of pay television in Spain were €553.4 million in the fourth quarter of last year, according to the latest figures from CNMC.
IPTV and Online TV distribution advanced in revenue while satellite TV and cable TV recorded setbacks.
The main technology used in the distribution of pay TV was IPTV (which is delivered to the user through networks XDSL or FFTH). With a growth of 9.4% over the fourth quarter of last year, IPTV services had revenues of 385.7 million euros.
Tv revenue from pay-per-technology. (Millions of euros) Source: CNMC
The fourth quarter of the year is the period with the highest advertising revenues due to the Christmas advertising campaigns. Advertising revenues (including conventional advertising, sponsorship, telesales, telepromotion and product sites) totaled €647.1 million in the fourth quarter.
Of the total television advertising revenues, pay televisions accounted for 5.8% of advertising revenues and free-to-air televisions for 94.2%.
The two main groups, Mediaset and Atresmedia, accounted for 82.5% of total television advertising revenues and 87.5% of advertising revenues in the free-to-air segment.
Advertising income by group (Millions of euros and percentage). Source: CNMC
During the fourth quarter, the number of pay TV subscribers grew by 87 thousand, bringing the total to close to 6.8 million. The predominant technology was IPTV with 4.5 million subscribers.
Number of subscribers (in thousands). Source: CNMC
91.8% of subscribers had the pay TV service contracted under some form packaged in combined offers that, in addition to pay TV, include other telecommunications services.
Average television consumption during the quarter was 3 hours and 39 minutes per person per day (31 minutes per viewer/day more than in the previous quarter). The increase was due to higher television consumption in winter and especially at Christmas.
By platform, the consumption of television, both free-to-air and pay television, was 76.3% for DTT, 2.4% for satellite television and 21.3% for cable TV and IPTV platforms.
If we compare the figures with previous years, we see a progressive decline in the consumption data of DTT and satellite compared to the increase experienced by cable TV and IPTV services. The redistribution derives from the increase in subscriptions to pay TV in Spain.
The most watched channels were Telecinco, Antena 3 and La 1, with audiences of 14.4%, 12.5% and 10.2%, respectively.
By groups Mediaset and Atresmedia were the leaders, with 28.5 and 27.3 audience share points in the quarter, respectively.
Screen share by channel and group (percentage). Source: Kantar Media
For all age groups except for the over 65 age group, the largest audience was obtained by the Mediaset group.
In the segment of the population over 65, the main group was Atresmedia, followed by Mediaset and CRTVE.