Thinkbox CEO Lindsey Clay has been named as the first President of the Global TV Group, the informal grouping of TV broadcasters, sales houses, and trade bodies in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia and Latin America.
The Global TV Group was set up in 2013. Its activities are co-ordinated by Brussels-based Egta, which represents the interests of television and radio sales houses.
“I’m honoured to be The Global TV Group’s first President. The TV industry, so used to being nationally-focussed, needs to work together more internationally to tell the incredible story of its cultural and business-transforming power, and its rapidly accelerating technological capabilities. Viewers and advertisers have never had it so good. A great story is there to be told,” said Clay.
Each year the Global TV Group produces The Global TV Deck, a databank of TV advertising performance.
Clay has been CEO at Thinkbox since 2014.