Kira Laskari has been appointed the brand management director at Russia’s National Media Group (NMG).
Commenting on the development, Olga Paskina, general director of NMG, said: “One of the key elements of our strategy is the qualitative strengthening of each of the brands in the NMG portfolio. Effective brand management in our case involves not just a creative approach, but also a dynamic analysis of the situation, the ability to perform complex tasks in real time. Kira Lascari with his expertise, experience and talent is the best suited for this unique role, I am glad that he accepted this challenge, and I wish good luck.”
Laskari headed the channel CTC Love from March 2017 until the present. During that time, he oversaw the rebranding of the CTC and CTC Love channels, while at the same time the creation of the brands MoreTV, CTC Kids, NMG Studio and Media Telekom from scratch.
Meanwhile, Olga Zadorozhnaya has been appointed the acting director of CTC Love. She will combine this with the posution of programme director of CTC channels, which she has occupied since 2016.
Vyacheslav Murugov, general director of CTC Media, said: “Kira showed himself as a bright, extraordinary leader who is always looking for new ways to surprise the audience. I wish him success in the new duties! CTC Love is waiting for small changes, but the channel will retain all its basic basic features that have made it popular, the main one of which is endless faith in love. ”