Global news exchange association ENEX has selected R&S RelayCaster, the IP contribution solution from German technology company Rohde & Schwarz, for its new global contribution and distribution network.
R&S RelayCaster delivers contribution and distribution of live content over unmanaged IP networks. German system integrator EuroMedia Services helped integrate the solution.
ENEX, with local partners in more than 50 countries, shares news content exchange and new production resources with its members. The association holds permanent satellite capacity for their use.
Looking for an alternative to satellites as an exchange platform for live content, ENEX has specific requirements for the new equipment. First, the many master control rooms of the partners located worldwide have to be connected as best as possible using the current infrastructure. And high stability and reliability with low latency has to be achieved while keeping the investment as low as possible.
R&S RelayCaster achieves high transmission reliability by reducing packet losses to a minimum, providing the necessary quality of service conditions for uninterrupted transmission, according to Rohde & Schwarz. Optional encryption based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) provides end-to-end protection of the transmitted data streams.
“We want to take advantage of the increased performance of IP technologies and networks,” said Adrian Wells, managing director of ENEX. “R&S RelayCaster is an excellent fit for our global network.”