The Czech national commercial broadcaster Prima has launched a new online on-demand service.
Known as iPrima Videopijcovna (iPrima Video Rentals), it allows viewers to see movie clips or watch major Prima series seven days before their TV premiere. For CZK29 (€1.13) they can have unlimited viewing, with no ads and in HD quality, for 48 hours. All titles can be found on or via the red button on HbbTV, with the offer currently consisting of 100 shows.
Commenting on the new service, Daniel Grunt, director of new media at FTV Prima, said: “The new video rental project gives our viewers the opportunity to watch their favourite series up to seven days in advance. At the same time, we are expanding our portfolio of Bontonfilm distribution films. We believe the new service will attract our viewers, and we have seen a lot of interest in the first week since we started.”