No more set-top-box, CI+ module or TVkey: Panasonic will offer the option of receiving German DTH platform HD+ directly via the TV set from the end of March 2019.
The household only needs a satellite dish pointing at Astra (19.2° East). Technically, the solution is based on conditional access and digital rights management system (CAS/DRM) Nagra Connect, an HD+ spokesman told Broadband TV News, adding that it covers both HD and Ultra HD (UHD) channels.
At the same time, HD+ will introduce an ‘instant restart’ function for users of the new reception method allowing selected programmes to be reset to the beginning at the touch of a button, as well as direct access to catch-up TV services and an interactive, customisable programme guide covering conventional television and on-demand services.
The services are offered at no extra cost. To use the interactive functions, the TV set only needs to be connected to the internet.
The first hardware partner is Panasonic. In all new OLED and UHD devices released in 2019 from the GXW804 series onwards, HD+ will be integrated directly into the TV set. The first models will become available in retail stores at the end of March 2019, according to HD+. All buyers can test HD+ six months free of charge.
“With our new offer, we play in our own league regarding comfort and simplicity. And we provide more without charging more,” said Timo Schneckenburger, managing director for marketing and sales at HD+. “HD+ customers will be able to enjoy a new TV experience at no additional cost. With the move, we are lowering the entry barriers for HD, UHD and the use of non-linear services over the TV set at the same time.”
HD+ can be installed during the initial installation of the new Panasonic TV set. It can also be installed at a later stage via the device’s home bar or app store.