One in three households connected to the internet in Spain pay to watch audiovisual content online.
According to the regulator CNMC, the number of household consuming such content is growing on an almost daily basis.
Fourty four per cent of individuals said they did so weekly, or 10 percentage points more than two years ago, according to the CNMC Household Panel undertaken in Q2 2018. Furthermore, short videos and series were the most preferred content. In addition, over half of individuals who watch online audiovisual content use platforms to watch on-demand programmes over the internet.
In terms of TV on demand viewing, YouTube is most used (55%), followed by Atresplayer (35%) and (30%).
Among the one in three internet households who pay to watch audiovisual online content, Movistar+ is the most preferred service (2.2 million user households, followed by Netflix (2 million), Vodafone TV online (950,000) and Orange TV App (741,000).
However, CNMC points out that these figures for paid streaming should be treated with caution. For instance, Vodafone TV online customers may use to service to watch HBO.
Regarding audiovisual viewing preferences, a la carte is favoured for episodes of series (54%) and movies (50%), and sports (86%) and news (75%) live.