The Rotterdam District Court has sentenced the main suspect in a large-scale modem hijack, Remko van D. (37), to 15 months imprisonment.
However, 12 months of the 15 are suspended. Remko also has to perform a community service of 180 hours. Together with two other suspects he cloned Ziggo modems on a large scale from the beginning of 2015 until mid-November 2017 so that people could use Ziggo services without paying a subscription.
The sentences are much lower than requested by the public prosecutor, who demanded three years cell against Remko D. Suspect Abdel F. (42) was sentenced to two months’ probation with a probationary period of 2 years and a community service of 180 hours. Suspect Armando L. (30) was given a two months suspended prison sentence for his share, with a probationary period of one year and a community service of 150 hours.
The court ruled that the men are guilty of hacking, the possession of so-called malware, fraud of a telecommunications service and money laundering. During house searches, at least 500 modems, computer equipment and valuable goods were seized. At least ten thousand euros in cash was also found.