Western European TV revenues will reach $50 billion by 2023; up from $39 billion in 2017.
OTT revenues for TV episodes and movies (including AVOD) will more than double from $10 billion to $23 billion. This will push OTT’s share of the total up from 26% to 46%. Pay TV revenues will fall by $2 billion over the same period.
SVOD revenues will total $12.47 billion by 2023 – up by $8 billion from $4.44 billion in 2017. Netflix will account for 57% Western Europe’s SVOD revenues by 2023, up from 52% in 2017.
Simon Murray, Principal Analyst at Digital TV Research, added: “Western Europe will have 205 million TV subscriptions by 2023; up from 153 million in 2017. We forecast 99 million SVOD subscriptions by 2023, up from 50 million by end-2017. Therefore, SVOD’s share of the total will grow from 33% to 48%. Nearly 15 million SVOD subs will be added in 2018 alone, with 11 million more expected in 2019.”
It is important to note that these figures are gross subscriptions. One household can have more than one subscription. For example, a household subscribing to pay satellite TV and Netflix would be counted as two subscriptions. Some homes pay for more than one SVOD platform. The Western Europe TV Outlook report provides forecasts for paying subscriptions across 138 countries.